Sexist Bozo Quote of the Day"There is no woman on the horizon that ought to be president next year, let's all agree on that."
And why is that Freddie? Oh yeah, that's because you don't like liberal women, especially Hillary, but we knew that.
So how come there is "no woman" on the Republican horizon? How come the Republican Party can't find even ONE woman to put up there on the sexist hairy-chested he-man Republican stage with bozos like you and all those other self-absorbed angry old white men?
Oh yeah, I remember, cause Republican men can't function without a chorus of attentive smiling wives behind them. No wonder you guys hate Hillary.
It's a good thing you're losing big time anyway, and so you don't need all those votes from women that you just lost. And good luck getting hired in Hollywood by all those professional women who are going to take your sexist comments very personally.
Tomorrow, look for Freddie to say,
no blacks . . . should be president.
And in yet more embarrassing Freddie Thompson news of the day,
the Tennessee stud is flat broke and
begging for money so he can afford to run one pitiful ad in Iowa. Also, Freddie's slowness is
still an everyday embarrassment to the state of Tennessee.Fred Thompson Sexist Republican News Hillary Clinton Politics Tennessee Loser