Monday, October 01, 2007
Bush Against the Children (Bonus: Sick GOP Humor)
Bush to Veto Health Care for Kids (SCHIP)
The pResident who has used his veto power 3 whole times in 6 very long and terrible years says enough is enough! Bushie will draw the line when it comes to expanding health care for kids!
It's a bipartisan bill that would provide health care to 10 million American children. But Bushie says no, he is the Decider, and he has made up an assortment of excuses to justify saying No to health care for kids. And no one believes any of them.
Well, no one except a few sickos like Billy Kristol. As Bush prepares to veto health care for kids (SCHIP), Fox News commentator Billy Kristol manages to further paint the GOP as the sicko Party of Simon Legree with the funny, hahaha, joke, hahaha, pasted below.
Kristol also complains about Graeme Frost, the 12 year old kid who responded to Bush in the Democrats' Saturday radio address. Kids want health care and think they can be heard on the radio too!!??!?!!
Billy Kristol's Neocon Humor:
"First of all, whenever I hear anything described as ‘a heartless assault on our children,’ I tend to be…think it’s a pretty good thing… I’m happy that the President’s willing to do something bad for the kids. "
"You do wonder about the Democrats, putting a 12 year old, I mean, how pathetic is that? A 12-year-old kid giving the radio address, Nancy Pelosi pretending she’s praying for the President. You really wonder how stupid they think the American people are."
via Think Progress and Crooks and Liars
Saturday Radio Address: Listen: President Bush | Listen: 12-Year-Old Graeme Frost
Graeme Frost SCHIP Politics Bill Kristol Health Care Poor Children Bush Veto Neocon Joke News