Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Bon Jovi on Women/Hillary in Power

Quote of the Day

"I have no issue with a woman in power. My life has always been run by women. If it wasn’t my mother, it was my wife. And if it wasn’t my wife it was my daughter."
-- Bon Jovi

Via the New York Times: "Mr. Bon Jovi donated $2,300 to Mrs. Clinton this year, as much as he is allowed to under the law. . . He calls her “Mrs. C.” And she calls on him to add a little celebrity gloss to her presidential campaign.

"Jon Bon Jovi and Hillary Rodham Clinton have been friends for more than a decade, uniting for state dinners at the White House and campaign fund-raisers in the Hamptons. . There were dinners in East Hampton with Mrs. Clinton and another Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards. Senator Barack Obama, her fiercest rival for the nomination, asked Mr. Bon Jovi to hear him speak in Midtown Manhattan. And Al Gore caught up with him in London for a photo op."