Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Ann Coulter Says Liberals Adore Huckabee

Bonus Quote of the Day

"Liberals adore Huckabee because he fits their image of what an evangelical should be: stupid and easily led. . . I guess Huckabee is one of those pro-sodomy, pro-gay marriage, pro-evolution evangelical Christians."
-- Ann "Batshit-crazy" Coulter

I guess this means Ann is not voting for Huckabee. There's more on the subject of this tantalizing and fantasy-based quotation over at Pharyngula: "Ann Coulter is unhappy with Huckabee, but not for his many failings that rational people see as an obstacle—but because he is insufficently critical of evolution. She really wants a presidential candidate to not just deny modern science, but to advocate a platform that proposes to take action in the schools against it."

Cartoon via