Why should women buy products from L'Oreal if the company doesn't hire women? That's what feminists in Paris want to know.
So feminist activists staged a bearded protest to call attention to the sexist hiring practices at the male dominated L'Oreal.
Feminists demonstrating against sex discrimination? What an extraordinary idea!
PARIS (AFP) — Feminist activists wearing fake beards staged a bizarre protest against L'Oreal in central Paris on Thursday, saying the company did not have enough women managers despite being a cosmetics producer. . . Mimicking L'Oreal's famous advertising slogan, activists handed out a leaflet entitled "Because you're worth it" and held up placards with photos of company directors all with beards scrawled on their faces, including the women.
Related: L'Oréal found out for hiring only white shampoo-promoters (July 2007)
Feminist Activist Politics News Gender Sexist Discrimination Paris