The New York Times plans to hire deceitful warmonger William Kristol as a weekly columnist. The Times is apparently wooing Fox News viewers, or perhaps the paper thinks its readers deserve to be subjected to the views of a lying, warmongering neocon. Someone has to fill Judith Miller's shoes.
David Corn pegs Kristol as the "No. 1 cheerleader for the Iraq war." Kristol is a wannabe world dominator, a loyal Bushie, and 'a regular contributor to Fox News' Special Report with Brit Hume.' And that's the positive side of the creep's bio.
Think Progress offers some toxic waste from the mind of Bill Kristol:
-- The
-- Markos Moulitsas is the “left-wing blogger who was not respectable three or four years ago.”
-- “Sober, serious” people want over 100,000 troops in
-- On SCHIP veto: “I’m happy that the President’s willing to do something bad for the kids. ”
-- Al Gore “got the Nobel Peace Prize for bloviating about global warming.”
Update -- See: The day the NYT died
William Kristol Neocon NY Times Columnist Republican News Politics