Friday, June 13, 2008

Anger Over Sexist Biased Media (MSNBC, CNN) Continues to Mount

The New York Times has a piece on the sexist media. Angry women and Clinton supporters are plotting revenge.

But big media insiders don't see a problem. Phil Griffin, senior vice president of NBC News and the executive in charge of MSNBC says we should get over ourselves. Keith Olbermann also sees no problem because the whole issue was basically manufactured by that stupid bitch. Jeff Greenwald says losers always perceive problems.

Further on down the pecking order, we find pesky little female media people who see sexism. No wonder they seldom give women their own shows. Those people would be Katie Couric and Candy Crowley. Unfortunately, the piece doesn't cite any more media people willing to talk publicly about sexist media. Maybe they fear for their jobs.

Carol Costello and Cokie Roberts are 2 (two!) from teevee media who actually did speak up against the sexism during the heat of the primary battle.

Despite the assurances of the big media boyz that we were just hallucinating about all that dripping-with-misogyny MSNBC and CNN campaign coverage, the National Organization for Women (NOW) and Emily’s List are holding grudges.

“We’re certainly not going to take this lying down,” said Ellen Malcolm. And NOW is starting a campaign to highlight its “Media Hall of Shame". .

Of course, there is sexist media campaign coverage and then there is plain old fashioned biased media coverage. When it came to the many ways to take Hillary out of the race, the cable news channels were not shy. Sexism, prejudice, bias, they did it all.

Many a Hillary supporter fled to Fox News for some relief from all the Hillary hate and Obama adulation. I certainly did. And after having my candidate relentlessly hated by CNN panels and MSNBC show hosts, Fox News was something of a relief. I'm certain some "progressive" blogger will take me off his manly scaled blogroll for saying that, but what the hell. I'm already so disillusioned with the left, a little more won't hurt that much.

I've saved the comedy for last. That would be delusional Keith Olbermann, the King of Sexist Media Bias, himself:

[T]here were “individual, sexist, mistakes,” there was no overall sexism. Any suggestion that MSNBC “was somehow out to ‘get’ Senator Clinton is false and unfair,” Mr. Olbermann wrote in an e-mail message. “We became a whipping boy.”

[H]e said there was “constant reflection and analysis at MSNBC, and I must say there was constant good faith in trying to make certain Senator Clinton was not treated unfairly.”

Yeah, right Keith. We so appreciated all your raging hormonal 2 minute hate efforts to stop the pro-assassination bitch from killing again. The Obama campaign appreciated you too.