Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why Would Democratic Women Vote for John McSame?

Throughout the Democratic Primary, we were informed repeatedly by the MSM that if Senator Obama did not get the nomination, there would be riots in the street. Most times it came as a veiled threat, but it was also stated explicitly. The message to super-delegates was clear: Black and white male voters will riot. Women won’t.

It is true that women in this country do not have a history of using violence to win rights. It is also true that women represent a class of people who are mentally colonized. How else to explain the grim fact that the majority of the population has not risen up and demanded an end to the cultural normalcy called misogyny? The roots of violence against women lie in historically unequal power relations between men and women.

In the year 2008, it is acceptable to ridicule and jeer and sexually objectify and violently disrespect the woman presidential candidate, but not the Black male candidate. Racist jokes will get you fired. Sexist jokes will get you laughs.

I have never voted for a Republican in my life. A vote for John McCain by a progressive is, in my view, an act of violence. An act of violence against all the principles I hold dear. I cannot imagine that I would ever cast such a vote. But my anger and my pain and my outrage at the Great Betrayal by the “Progressive” Online Community and the Democratic Party are so great that I take seriously -- and respect -- the many Democratic women who say they will cast a protest vote for John McSame. My anger and outrage is so great that I can withhold my vote!

In their day, Anthony, Stanton and Alice Paul all played one woman-hating party against the other. Until women and men of good conscience rise up, these are our choices.

For once, Chris gets it right, or does he?: "[W]omen are low-hanging fruit, though, in the terms of politics. You can reach up and say, 'I'm pro-choice, he's not.'" -- Chris Matthews

"[I]ncreasingly over those 35 years, we women have been taken for granted. Even the lukewarm support we enjoyed in the 1970s is just a distant memory. The Democrats no longer attract our votes so much as the Republicans repel them."

Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the oppressor. --Ginetta Sagan