Monday, November 07, 2005

No Hope for GOPers In 2006, Unless....

While Bushie pursues his policy of refusing to talk about the CIA leak, and Cheney pursues his campaign for the rights of torturers everywhere - so long as they be American torturers - voter outrage continues to grow.

If the election were held today, Democrats would be in charge of Congress.

But if Republicans continue with their clever strategy of incompetence, corruption and indictments, come election day next year, the rightwingers may find that their only chance of getting elected to anything lies with the strategy of jumping ship, or switching parties.

From Donkey Rising:

The latest ABC News/Washington Post Poll should keep the National Republican Congressional Committee spin doctors busy. The poll found that 52 percent of registered voters say they would vote for the Democrat in their congressional district if the election "were being held today," compared to 37 percent for Republican candidates. The poll, which was conducted 10/30-11/2, also reported that 55 percent of Americans said they would like to see Democrats "in control of Congress after the congressional elections a year from now," compared to 37 percent for Republicans.

As one GOP strategist noted, "Republicans have not faced such potential backlash since 1982, when the party lost 26 House seats in the midst of a recession."