Thursday, August 04, 2005

Novak Meltdown Live on CNN: Novak Suspended! Updated

Update & bump: CNN has suspened Novak for his "inexcusable behavior."

"A CNN spokeswoman called Novak's behavior 'inexcusable and unacceptable.' Novak had apologized to CNN, and CNN was apologizing to viewers, she said. "We've asked Mr. Novak to take some time off," she said."

It's about time.

Bob Novak fell to pieces live on CNN today. Apparently nervous about the upcoming qustions on the CIA leak, the man assaulted the innocent ears of little children everywhere.

I mean it was in the middle of the afternoon for gawd's sake!

Call the FCC!

Think Progress:

"Just now on CNN’s Inside Politics, in the midst of a ho-hum discussion about Katherine Harris’ Senate race:

Novak: Just let me finish what I’m going to say James, please I know you hate to hear me —

Carville: He’s got to show these right-wingers that he’s got a back bone, ya know? Wall Street Journal editorial page is watching. You show ‘em you’re tough.

Novak: You know I think that’s bullshit. And I hate that. Just let it go.

Novak removes his microphone and walks off the set.

Update I: Novak Was About to Be Asked About Leak The Inside Politics host ended the Carville/Novak segment saying, “Thanks, James Carville. And I’m sorry as well that Bob Novak left the set a little early. I had told him in advance that we were going to ask about the CIA leak case, he was not here for me to be able to ask him about that. Hopefully, we’ll be able to ask him about that in the future.”

Update II: Media Matters has the video."

Think Progress has more including a discussion about the great harm Novak caused to our children and the need to complain to the FCC. (heh, heh)