Monday, May 15, 2006

Karl Rove Steps in It

"We're doing a heck of a job." --Karl Rove

"Presidential adviser Karl Rove had almost finished his appearance today at the American Enterprise Institute when it happened. Discussing the Bush administration's record on illegal immigration, he blurted out: "We're doing a heck of a job."

President Bush made the phrase a national shorthand for incompetence when he bestowed it on FEMA director Mike "Brownie" Brown in the days after Hurricane Katrina. And Rove knew he stepped in it today."

It's anybody's guess if heck-of-a-job Bushie will also 'step in it' tonight as he gives a last ditch prime time speech to his pissed-off base in an effort to bring them back, quick, before Fitzmas, hookergate and god knows how many new scandals emerge.

Just like Tom Delay, Rove will keep on smiling and lying even as he is frog-marched to the gallows.

Cuz it's all about image, appearances and pretensions, and phony is what these charlatans do best.