Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Homophobes Target Archie Comics

Perhaps this means the crazed homophobes will leave Ellen alone? John Goldwater, c0-CEO of Archie Comics responds to the homophobic attack:

“We stand by Life with Archie #16. As I’ve said before, Riverdale is a safe, welcoming place that does not judge anyone. It’s an idealized version of America that will hopefully become reality someday. We’re sorry the American Family Association/ feels so negatively about our product, but they have every right to their opinion, just like we have the right to stand by ours. Kevin Keller will forever be a part of Riverdale, and he will live a happy, long life free of prejudice, hate and narrow-minded people.“

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Olympia Snowe Quits: Fed Up With 'My Way Or Highway' Politics

And another woman leaves the manly U.S. Senate. The GOP continues to excel at running sane people out of party politics:

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe rocked the political landscape Tuesday with a stunning announcement that she won't run again, drawing the curtain on a storied political career and staggering Republican hopes to recapture a Senate majority... A political moderate, Snowe backs abortion rights and often drew fire from GOP conservatives for casting key votes that helped Democrats pass major legislation.

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10% of Voters Were Democrats in Michigan Primary

Thousands of Democrats crossed party lines to vote for Santorum in Michigan. The victory was so narrow that Romney will have to split the delegates with his evil twin Santorum.

And the clown show continues:

According to CNN, 10% of those who voted in the primary identified themselves as Democrats, representing a larger share of the electorate than in the 2008 vote. Of that group, 50% said they voted for Santorum, 19% for Ron Paul and 15% for Romney, exit polling showed.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Grants for Occupy Protesters

Ben and Jerry, among others, are putting some money to good use:

Occupy Groups Get Funding: The group will give grants of as much as $25,000 to protesters across the country after undergoing an application process that begins in March. The group, along with five Occupy activists, will review applications.

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Dems Play Cross-Party Sabotage In Michigan

Tennesseans thinking about joining Operation Hilarity -- in order to keep the GOP clown show going strong with its unintended consequence of alienating Americans everywhere -- can watch how it plays out in states like Michigan. The Michigan primary is today:

The liberal blog [Daily Kos] is not the only outlet pushing for Democratic turnout on Tuesday: Michigan Democratic strategist Joe DiSano has launched a similar campaign within the state - and he says he expects about 8,000 or 9,000 Democrats to vote for Santorum tomorrow.

DiSano says he conducted a robo-call in Michigan over the last week encouraging Democrats to vote for Santorum in order to "embarrass Romney" and prolong the Republican process. According to DiSano, the robo-call instructed voters to "press one" to signal their willingness to vote for Santorum. He says 12,000 Democrats pressed one.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Romney: 'I have friends who own NASCAR teams'

There goes Richie Rich Romney, bragging about being rich again.

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Operation Hilarity: Liberals Voting in GOP Primary; Let's Do It in Tennessee

It looks like Tennessee is going to matter in the GOP primary clown show this year. So, I plan to engage in a little cross-party sabotage. Considering how I feel about the deranged and not-remotely grand old party, this is the least I can do.

The longer the anti-birth control, anti-sex, anti-college, pro-theocracy GOP circus continues, the sicker the country gets at the mere thought of the 14 century party. If you live in an open primary/caucus state (Michigan, North Dakota, Vermont and Tennessee), I hope you'll join me in Operation Hilarity by voting for the ludicrous, Satan-obsessed Rick Santorum:

At Daily Kos, we are encouraging Democrats, liberals and progressives to vote for Rick Santorum in open primaries and caucuses in order to extend the race for the Republican presidential nomination. The Tennessee primary on March 6 is one of those open contests, as anyone is allowed to vote no matter if they are a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent, or something else.

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Meryl Streep's Oscar Acceptance Speech (Video)

Meryl Streep won her 3rd Oscar last night, her first since 1983. This one is for her role as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in "The Iron Lady."

“I thought I was so old and jaded, but they call your name and you just go into a sort of white light. It was like [being] a kid again. I was a kid when I won this, like, 30 years ago. Two of the nominees were not even conceived,”

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Anita Hill On Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry Show

The Melissa Harris-Perry show is on MSNBC at 9am (central time) Saturdays and Sundays. The show debuted last weekend. So far, the Melissa Harris-Perry show is the political talk show women have longed for since the day the first TV appeared. Last weekend, I tuned in late and saw a panel of women discussing religion and contraception and God Our Mother.

Oh yeah, there was a token male on the panel. Asian, gay.

Keeping my fingers crossed. Today's (Sunday) show (2-26-12) features Anita Hill! I'm not going to miss it.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Melissa Harris-Perry show at MSNBC breaks more than gender, race barrier

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Virginia Lawmaker (Jerk-R) Jokes About Forced Vaginal Probe (Video)

Because a law mandating forced vaginal penetration (the definition of rape) is simply hilarious when you are a grossly insensitive white male republican jerk such as Virginia State lawmaker David B. Albo. []

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Where Are the Women? Oscar Nominations 2012: 19% Women to 81% Men

From my inbox via The Women's Media Center:

Where are the Women? 35 women in a pool of 180 nominations! 19% women to 81% men.! 1/4 of the categories have NO women at all!

Video via Women and Hollywood: To The Academy: Consider the Women

Oscar voters overwhelmingly white, male And the Oscar Goes to... a Man: Gender Bias at the Top

Where Are the Women at the Oscars: The Stats

Women & Gender | Report about male domination at Oscars troublesome for industry, society:

Oscars 2012: Where are the female directors?

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Child Poverty at 26% in Tennessee

The Anne E. Casey Foundation finds that child poverty in Tennessee is soaring. With a child poverty rate of 26%, Tennessee looks bad even in a nation long infamous for having the highest child poverty rate among the developed nations.

Red states like Tennessee tend to rank at the bottom in a nation that is shamefully negligent when it comes to taking care of its children. If the state of Tennessee was a parent, s/he would be serving time in prison for criminal negligence.

Asking our 'leaders' do something about this worsening problem does as much good as slamming our heads against a brick wall. No doubt, we'll just have to wait for the riots in the streets.

Children in poverty - how the states rank

via Nashville Scene

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gail Collins: Presidential Race Is About Women, Women, Women Instead of Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Quote of the Day

“If you had asked me what the big topic of the presidential race was going to be, I’d certainly have said jobs, jobs, jobs. But lately, we seem to be talking about women, women, women. In Washington they’re fighting about whether it’s a good plan to have all-male panels discussing women’s right to get contraceptives under their health insurance. In Virginia they’re debating abortion and Mississippi is thinking about bringing back the personhood amendment its voters defeated last year. In Indiana this week there was a dust-up in the State Legislature over the Girl Scouts, and whether they promote abortion and homosexuality.”
-- Gail Collins

Bonus Quote of the Day

"So let’s return to our normal subject. Men, men, men. Let’s go back and have a normal election: men talking about themselves. The love that won’t shut up."
-- David Brooks

via New York Times

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Lawmaker Proposes to Outlaw Gender-Neutral Names: 'Don't Say Stacey' Bill (Video)

Hilarious. D.W. Moorehouse (the man in the video) is targeting the odious and bigoted author of the 'Don't Say Gay' bill: Stacey Campfield.

"District Selectman D.W. Moorehouse (R) is attempting to pass a a bill of utmost importance, "Don't Say Stacey." This bill is meant to protect the most precious and innocent of commodities, the children. Don't Say Stacey would make it illegal to name children androgynous names which confuse and promote homosexual tendencies. Women named "Billy" and men named "Stacey" (just for example), have a higher likelihood of leading and sinful and unnatural lifestyle. . .

"That's Stacey with an "ey" like a girl. Or a man who is running from his feelings and picks on others to hide it."

Log on to today and see how you can help. Also, "Don't Say Gay"

via The Nashville Scene

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Breaking: DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional

Sweet! Another victory for marriage equality! Even sweeter - the judge is a Bush appointee:

Moments ago, Judge Jeffery White of the District Court for the Northern District of California ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) violates the Constitution’s equal protection clause in a case brought by Karen Golinski. Golinski, represented by Lambda Legal, “was denied spousal health benefits by her employer, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.” White was appointed to the court by President George W. Bush in 2002. The decision represents a serious setback for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), whose Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) defended DOMA after the Obama administration announced it would no longer defend the law. Read the full opinion here.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Santorum: Satan Is Coming

Quote of the Day

"Satan has his sights on the United States of America! Satan is attacking the great institutions of America, using those great vices of pride, vanity, and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has so deeply rooted in the American tradition. This is a spiritual war. And the Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country - the United States of America. If you were Satan, who would you attack in this day and age?"
via Drudge

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The View Takes on Tennessee's Bigoted 'Don't Say Gay' Bill (Video)

Modern Family's Jesse Tyler Ferguson responds to Tennessee's bigoted lawmakers.

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Hillary Photos of the Day

Hillary didn't get the memo on the uniform for the day. It doesn't appear to be bothering her or anyone else for that matter.

via Didn't get the memo? Hillary Clinton dons lime green shirt for G20 'family photo' while everyone else wears white

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Indiana Lawmaker: Girl Scouts Are Feminist Lesbo Commies

Does this mean the Indiana state lawmaker won't be ordering any Girl Scout cookies? We hope so. This man needs to be kept far far away from little girls. And little boys too.

Reptile-Brain Republican Rep. Bob Morris (Indiana): spends way too much time thinking about sexuality and little girls:

The Republican lawmaker has chosen not to sign a resolution that honors the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts, as the cookie purveying “radicalized” organization “promote[s] homosexuality”and has “entered into a close strategic affiliation with Planned Parenthood,” among other things.

In an open letter to the Journal Gazette, Morris says he’s not the first to find fault with the team-building group, as “Many parents are abandoning the Girl Scouts because they promote homosexual lifestyles. In fact, the Girl Scouts education seminar girls are directed to study the example of role models. Of the fifty role models listed, only three have a briefly-mentioned religious background – all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists.”

Meet Indiana's Disturbed Congressman Bob Morris

Indiana lawmaker accuses Girl Scouts of promoting sex, says group is a ‘tactical arm’ of Planned Parenthood: Rep. Bob Morris is accusing Girl Scouts of being "radicalized organization" that supports abortion and promotes homosexuality.

Rep. Morris "also wrote that the fact that first lady Michelle Obama is honorary president should give lawmakers pause before they endorse the Girl Scouts."

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Hillary Explains Reproductive Rights to Anti-Woman Dolts In Congress (Video)

And she could have been the president.
This happened in 2009.

via Violet Socks

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Sexist Doug Brinkley: Jodi Kantor’s ‘The Obamas’ Is ‘Chick Nonfiction’

Serious books are written by dudes says Douglas Brinkley. In a New York Times review, the seriously sexist dude refers to Jodi Kantor's new book as "chick nonfiction". Evidently, Douglas Brinkley writes only for dudes, so in the future I will avoid his dudely reviews.

At She the People, Melinda Henneberger writes:

Sometimes, the things men say can astonish me still. Take this passage, for instance, from Douglas Brinkley’s review of Jodi Kantor’s book, “The Obamas”: “Call it chick nonfiction, if you will. This book is not about politics, it’s about marriage, or at least one marriage, and a notably successful one.”

... And anyone who thinks the president’s most important relationship has no import the non-chicks need to think about obviously doesn’t know his – oh, but Brinkley is a historian, so that can’t be right.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Melissa Harris-Perry RIPS Chris Brown & Our “Women Need a Man” Culture (Video)

On the debut of her new show, Melissa Harris-Perry had a few unkind words for the kind of culture that permits "artists" like Chris Brown to thrive. If you watched the Grammys, you saw the woman-beater pick up an award and heard the forgiving applause.

But it is the reaction of young girls stuck in this sick culture that is really nausea inducing. Melissa Harris-Perry explains in this video clip from her absolutely fabulous (feminist) new show - watch it!

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Virginia Misogyny: Women Who Want an Abortion Will Be Forcibly Penetrated

Another really good reason for women to leave the red states:

Virginia’s Proposed Ultrasound Law Is an Abomination

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Friday, February 17, 2012

All Male Morning Joe Panel Criticizes All Male Birth Control Panel (Video)

With straight faces the all male Morning Joe panel discussed women's reproductive rights and railed against the injustice of an all male Congressional hearing panel that had the nerve to discuss women's reproductive rights. While the men criticized the all male hearing, the caption on my TV screen read "'Where are the Women?' Hearing Panel Devoid of Women."

Where are the women???

Seriously? These pathetic dudes didn't even notice their own absurdity. Gawd.

“It pains me to say this, but I don’t think they have a clue and that’s the sad part about it. When I sat there and I looked out at those men talking about women’s reproductive rights and their — and contraception, you know, I said to myself, you know, suppose this was — we were here talking about prostate cancer and the only people on the panel were women. Men would be alarmed.”
Rep. Elijah Cummings,
Clueless member of an all male Morning Joe panel
discussing women's reproductive rights

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Modern Family Creator, Star: "Thanks for the Shout-Out, Backwards Tennessee Lawmakers"

The tweets pictured here are in response to idiot lawmaker Rep. Joey Hensley's warning to parents that kids who watch the award-winning "Modern Family" might be smart enough to figure out that gay people actually exist. Joey Hensley thinks the kids in this state are as ignorant as he so obviously is.

Once again, the state of Tennessee is embarrassed because the worst among us are leading the state (into the toilet).

Joey Hensley scored bonus points by admonishing all Tennessee parents not to let their children watch “Modern Family” on television because they might discover there are homosexuals in the world. . I don’t think 'Modern Family’ is appropriate for children to watch,” Hensley said solemnly after a Nashville preacher testified children might find out about gay people by seeing the show even if teachers aren’t allowed to say gay in schools.

via Nashville Scene

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"Don't Say Gay" Bill Advances, Blood Will Be On Tennessee Lawmakers' Hands

Tennessee's reptile-brain lawmakers continue to provide entertainment (horror) for the nation, as they pursue passage of the infamous "Don't Say Gay" bill.

Dozens of high school students showed up at the state legislature to protest the advancement of the odious "Don't Say Gay" bill.

One student explained: "I think this law will just kinda draw more attention to Tennessee as a place where it is not safe for youth in general to be themselves and try to live a happy life,"

And from the LA Times:

A bill that would ban teaching Tennessee kids about homosexuality before they reach the ninth grade was approved by a state House subcommittee Wednesday, reigniting an emotional debate in the buckle of the Bible Belt.

The bill, which would limit class discussions to "natural human reproduction science" in public schools, passed the House education subcommittee, which keeps it on track for consideration by the full House, according to reports in the Nashville Tennessean and the Nashville Scene.

"This is such a shame that we have ... a Legislature that doesn't care about us. When we have more kids committing suicide because of this bill, the blood will be on their hands."
-- Eric Pattonone,

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Congress Convenes All-Male Panel on Birth Control: Women Lawmakers Walk Out

“Where are the women?” --Rep. Carolyn Maloney,

In the year 2012, Congress convenes an all male panel on birth control! In the USA! These GOP dudes should do the country a very big favor and move to the Middle East. At least there they'd find lots and lots of dudes who share their Extreme Patriarchal Values:

Reps. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) [watch them below!] walked out of the hearing in protest of his decision, citing frustration over the fact that the first panel of witnesses consisted only of male religious leaders against the rule. Holmes Norton said she will not return, calling Issa’s chairmanship an “autocratic regime.”

Pelosi to GOP on contraception: 'Duh!' - "Five men are testifying on women's health," Pelosi said, adding, "Where are the women?

“It was staggering to sit there and feel like this panel of men was going to talk about my health and women like me. It felt so very wrong.” -- Sandra Fluke

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Santorum Opposes Birth Control

Rick Santorum, the leading GOP presidential contender, believes that birth control is "harmful to women." Santorum's 14th century beliefs include the maxim that sex is only for procreation.

"[Birth control is] not OK because it’s a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be."

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