Tennessee lawmakers have been trying to strip abortion rights from the state constitution for eight long years now. But this year is different. This year, the Republicans control both the House and the Senate. In other words, this year the Tennessee Taliban will probably succeed.
But hey, we're only in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. We only have an infant mortality rate that compares with so-called Third World countries.
What else have the good old brain-dead control freaks got to do?
The House Finance, Ways & Means Committee votes on SJR127 today. The rabid male-dominated Senate has already passed the measure. If it passes in the House too, it will then require super majority votes next year, and then Tennessee women will experience the indignity of having virtually every illiterate fool in the state get to vote on our right to control our bodies.
Oh, lawmakers are also busy trying to defund Planned Parenthood. The genius plan goes something like this:
No abortion.
No birth control.
Infant mortality rates through the roof.
We have some real brains in charge of this Third World State.
Feminist Politics Gender Tennessee SJR127 Misogyny Abortion Reproductive Rights