Longtime readers of this blog know that I lived as an immigrant in Canada for 13 years, and so for 13 years I had full access to Canada's single payer health care system. (Here's an Op-ed I wrote on the subject: Take It From A Patient: Canada's System Works. )
As an immigrant in Canada, I was accorded more rights, more respect, and got more in return for my taxes than I've ever experienced as a U.S. citizen. They tell a lot of lies in this country about Canada's universal health care system. In my experience, and that of my family, Canada's system is far far superior to that of the U.S.
I just saw an ad on CNN calling for single payer health care (watch it below!). It was Mike Farrell (who starred in MASH) telling President Obama to get on board with a national single payer health care system.
Farrell reminds us that Obama once claimed that he supported single payer, but now that he can actually do something about it, he's changed his mind. The ad urges folks to call the White House (800-578-4171) and demand single payer, or Medicare for all!
If this is a democracy, Obama will listen to the people. Call the White House! Send a free fax to Congress!
You can send a free fax "to senators on the Finance Committee, asking for real hearings instead of sham and real reform instead of fake."
Update: See Single Payer Action via the great single payer proponents over at Corrente.
Physicians for a National Health Care Program
Organizations and Government Bodies Endorsing HR 676 / Single Payer
Single Payer Politics Obama News Universal Health Care Canada