Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hillary Sexism Watch: Who Let Katie Couric Out of High School? (Video)

CBS pulled a cute gender segregation act on 60 Minutes. Steve Croft interviewed Sen Obama, and Katie Couric interviewed Hillary Clinton. If you missed it, be grateful.

Couric: "Someone told me your nickname in school was Miss Frigidaire. Is that true?"

Clinton: "Only with some boys."

Because the really important question to ask a presidential candidate is: Did the boys in high school have sexual access? If they didn’t, you are an ice queen. If they did, you are a slut.

What Katie Couric will NOT say when she interviews Sen. Obama: "I heard in high school you wore a leather jacket and were a total bad boy..."

More garbage from The Huffington Post Ghetto Tabloid: Sister Frigidaire Tries To Ice MSNBC

Video via Shakesville