Thursday, December 07, 2006

Bush/Blair Press Conf: We'll Succeed Unless We Quit

The Blair / Bush press conference is on. Bush is striving to make the point that the Iraq Study Group report specifies that its recommendations depend on conditions on the ground. The faith based pResident talks about the need to pay attention to reality. Apparently, it may not be 'realistic' to heed the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group report, a report which some term 'The Realist Manifesto.'

The Decider's main point was that all the violence in Iraq is caused by extremists who are not named Bush.

I have yet to hear anything out of Bush's mouth that does not sound like stay the course. Surprise. Surprise.

The only real news is that Tony Blair will go to the Middle East to attempt to "unlock the door" to renewed negotiations between Israel and Palestine.

Rough transcript from Bush's stay-the-course mouth:

I know how tough it is. . .

I talk to the families who die. . .

I believe we will prevail. . . One way to fail is to quit.

September 11 was a wake up call. . . People can die here at home...

It’s tough. . . I believe we will prevail. . . we’ll succeed.

Graphic via Alaska Report