Obama's latest assertion that there's not much difference between running against 'the Clintons' and running against the Republicans -- ha!-ha!-ha!-ha! -- came in an interview with Politico:
"I think that the notion that Republicans have somehow coddled me, and that the Republicans are these big bad folks who have a different research operation than the Clintons do, that’s just not the case."
Sen. Obama was responding to this: "You said you’ve already proven you can stand up to the Republicans because you’ve already stood up to the “Clinton machine”. And you also said that the Clinton can “play rough.” What were you talking about?"
In Obama's view, Republicans are not 'big bad folks.' Republicans are our friends! And our friends the Republicans couldn't possibly be any meaner or nastier than the Clintons. If we embrace our Republican friends and elect Obama, then there will be no more culture wars because we will have surrendered to our friends, the fucking Republicans.
And some people wonder why they call it a cult.
I have one word for you, Sen. Obama: naïve.
Obama also said that he supports charter schools and disdains the word, liberal. When asked if he is "comfortable with the liberal label," Senator Obama said that's "old politics," or "the stuff we’re trying to get rid of."
Yeah, well, we know 'our friends' couldn't agree more. And if you too are trying to rid the planet of all things called liberal, then clearly you too belong on the Obama bandwagon along with 'our friends'.
Valentine graphic above via 'our friends' at the GOP.
Why Obama's Pledge to End the Culture War is Nuts
Krugman: Lessons of 1992 Or Obama's Post-Partisan Narrative
Hillary Clinton Barack Obama News Culture War Politics Republican Frames Obama Kool-Aid