Paul Lukasiak responds to Barack Obama's argument that super-delegates should comply with the 'will of the people.' The important question is: The will of which people? Democrats? Or the cross-over voters, many of whom will likely NOT vote for a Democrat in the general?
There are lots of interesting details, but here's the money quote:
Based on exit polls, among the approximately 16.3 million people who identified themselves as Democrats, over 678,000 more voted for Hillary Clinton than Barack Obama. If we’re going to “let the people decide" who the Democratic nominee would be, shouldn’t we be basing that on the will of Democrats themselves?
. . . Only now that Obama has a miniscule lead of 128,736 in the number of votes cast (and that includes assigning all the “uncommitted” votes in Michigan to Obama) has the media focused on total votes cast. This lead represents less than 1% (0.62%) of votes cast in the primary elections held so far, yet it is trumpeted by the media endlessly.
The Wisconsin Democratic primary (in progress today) permits cross-over voting. Residents may register to vote on the day of the primary. Since Sen. John McCain has no real competition, Republicans can easily cross-over and vote for the Democratic candidate whom they view as inexperienced and easily defeated.
Hillary raised $15M in 15 days!
Finally, in response to a poll finding that both Hillary and Obama have trouble beating McCain in New York state (!), Steve Soto points out a number of likely causes, including, "the damage done to Hillary's standing from Obama."
I dropped into Countdown last night for a few minutes to check the coverage of the Deval Patrick beta test of Obama’s campaign and was horrified by what I saw. There was Keith Olbermann, his voice dripping with contempt for Hillary Clinton with every word.
Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Super-delegates News Politics McCain Wisconsin Democratic Primary Media Bias Cross-over Voters