Study claims women have inferior intelligence
What exactly is new about this study?
'Scientists' have been producing sexist and racist studies finding that white men are the bomb, and the rest of us are here to serve the superior beings since the dawn of what Bush likes to call 'civilization.'
So here's another one, yawn.
Just think, these days some countries actually permit inferior women and girls to attend school, get jobs, eat at the same table with men and drive too!
Aren't those higher intelligence beings so totally sweet?
In spite of longstanding male fears about the compatibility of brains and wombs , here in the women-lovin' USA, the boys in charge have permitted women to attend many of the best colleges for at least a hundred years now! (With quotas firmly in place, for most of those years, to assure the bitches did not get overly uppity.)
This latest study finding that men are still superior to women apparently doesn't explain why women are out-performing men in college (in countries that permit such things). Nor does it explain why women are out-living men (in countries where men do not routinely stone women to death for leaving the house).
From the current state of the male-ruled planet, I'd say that if men have higher IQs than women, then there is a definite correlation between high male IQs and stark raving madness.
Men are more intelligent than women, claims study
The study - carried out by a man - concluded that men's IQs are almost four points higher than women's.
British-born researcher John Philippe Rushton, who previously created a furore by suggesting intelligence is influenced by race, says the finding could explain why so few women make it to the top in the workplace.
He claims the 'glass ceiling' phenomenon is probably due to inferior intelligence, rather than discrimination or lack of opportunity.
His work appears to confirm British research which showed men have bigger brains and higher IQs than women, which may explain why chess grandmasters and geniuses are more likely to be male.
The analyses of more than 20,000 verbal reasoning tests taken by university students from around the world revealed that women's IQs are up to five points lower than men's.
Women needn't feel despondent, however, as the scientists believe women can achieve just as much as men - as long as they work harder.
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