How odd. I can't find 'gay marriage' anywhere on the list. Weirder still, I can't even find 'threat to masculinity' - which is exactly what gay marriage represents to all those anxious males who remain stuck in the fearful yesteryear of conservative politics.
Just think about it, one day the poor pathetic man-babies might not be on top.
What's an anxious male from yesteryear to do? Why, threaten to pass a constitutional amendment, of course.
But it will never pass.
And anxious males from the Daddy Party are simply in the last desperate throes of a pathetic last stand for prehistoric manhood. We'll all have a little peace and quiet when yesteryear's 'real men' finally arrive at the graveyard that holds the other dinosaurs.
The Question: "What one or two issues should be top priorities for the president and Congress to deal with at this time?" As you can see from the list below, the number one priority is [gasp] Iraq!
The first set of numbers are the results from the May 22-24 Gallup poll; the second set is from the April 10-13 Gallup. (via The Corner )
Priority List for the pResident and Congress:
Situation in Iraq/war 42 29
Fuel/oil prices/lack of energy sources/the energy crisis 29 13
Immigration/illegal aliens 23 20
Economy in general 14 14
Poor health care/hospitals; high cost of health care 12 9
Terrorism 4 3
Education/poor education/access to education 4 4
Federal budget deficit/federal debt 3 3
Unemployment/jobs 3 3
Taxes 3 2
Social Security 2 2
International issues/problems 2 2
National security 2 5
Environment/pollution 2 1
Medicare 2 2
Foreign aid/focus overseas 2 2
Poor leadership/corruption/dissatisfaction with government/Congress/politicians/
candidates 2 1
Poverty/hunger/homelessness 1 1
Ethics/moral/religious/family decline; dishonesty; lack of integrity 1 1
Natural disaster relief/funding 1 *
Trade deficit/foreign trade 1 *
High cost of living/inflation 1 1
Unifying the country * 1
Judicial system/courts/laws * 1
Abortion * 1
Lack of money * 1
Gap between rich and poor * 1
Other 1 2
No opinion 4 3
Percentages add to more than 100% due to multiple responses.
Republicans Macho Anxious Males Gay Politics Same-sex Marriage Homophobia Gay Marriage Bush Hate Amendment Gallup 2006 Election