Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Rightwingers Strive to Put 'English-First' Wedge Issue on Ballot

Eric Crafton -- the Nashville councilman who once served on the front lines of combat in the bloody War on Christmas -- is baccck and with a rightwing election year wedge issue to die for.

Crafton hopes to ressurect his old English-First measure, aka the Lou Dobbs Monolingual Act. Crafton's formerly vetoed dream of making Nashville government operate in English-only -- except when it is illegal or too expensive -- is now online with a petition aimed at putting the hateful measure on the ballot.

'Assimilation, not diversity' is the real name of Crafton's dream. As a pleasant reminder that some countries actually do have governments that are not afraid of multiculturalism, I'm reposting one of my all time favorite Anti-Arrogant and Authoritarian-America Molson Beer commercials. It's also a reminder of how very far to the irrational Right the United States has swung (and that there is a better life beyond the border!). Hell, even beer commercials are progressive outside the USA.

Diversity, NOT Assimilation!

Kleinheider has lots more on the English-first hysteria.

And over at Progressive Nashville, the new DFA blog, Jim Grinstead reminds us of Sen. Lamar Alexander and Rep. Marsha Blackburn's own special efforts to protect the powerful and persecute the little people.

More on rightwinger Eric Crafton:
Be it Resolved. Jesus was a Republican
Nashville Metro Council Endorses Jesus
STDs Prompt Eric Crafton Yet Again