Monday, February 12, 2007

Nashville Mayor Vetoes English-First Bill!

Wow. The mayor who has never ever vetoed a bill is sending this one back to Metro Council where he hopes "it will remain never to be seen again."

There's something in the air folks.

Liberals everywhere are waking up and fighting back.

Mayor Bill Purcell has always been one of the good guys, IMHO. He sent his daughter to racially diverse inner city schools. I know because years ago, she was in the same class as one of my girls.

Thank you, Mayor!

Excerpt from the Mayor's very cool statement:

This ordinance does not reflect who we are. . .

If this ordinance becomes law, Nashville will be a less safe, less friendly, and less successful city. As mayor, I cannot allow that to happen. Therefore I am vetoing Ordinance 1185 and returning it to the Metro Council where I hope it will remain never to be seen again and that we can turn our full attention once again to education and public safety and quality of life which are the real work of a city and should be the work of its leaders now and forever.

There's more here: Complete and Utter Shock
Previously on TGW: Nashville's Monolingual Act
