Friday, November 16, 2007

Hillary Wins by a Mile at Las Vegas Debate (Video)

Yeah, Hillary won big. I really enjoyed this debate. Wolf Blitzer and John Roberts did a good job as moderators. I would have been happier if at least one of the moderators had been a woman, but thanks to CNN for including journalists Campbell Brown and Suzanne Malveaux in the program.

There were actually THREE women participating in the debate. How freakin’ novel. But even more women’s voices were heard thanks to CNN’s remarkably democratic format. Not only did the audience get to ask lots of questions, they were actually 'permitted' to applaud! Imagine that! It felt like 'we the people' were participating.

Another reason I liked this debate: Tim Russert was nowhere to be found.

The audience booed Edwards for going after Hillary too intensely (video).

Edwards backed off, changed his intensely negative tone. The audience even booed Obama when he compared Senator Clinton to Giuliani and Romney! Could it be that I am not the only one who doesn't want the Democratic primary to turn into a bloody fight that leaves permanent wounds for the GOP to pick apart? It's just too bad Chris Matthews doesn't have a live audience. The jerk would get booed every freakin’ night. But look for Matthews to complain bitterly about this debate (not enough blood!), or maybe he'll declare Hillary to be the loser. Other rightwingers won't like it either.

Sparks flew between Hillary, Obama and Edwards for the first part of the debate, but after that it felt to me like all the Dems were on the same team, unlike at the last debate -- the Tim Russert (NBC) bloodbath. The disagreements were still there, but they were more respectful. I found the answers to be far more informative.

Wolf and the CNN team brought to light the fact that Hillary is not the only candidate who has flaws and makes mistakes. (Edwards voted for the Patriot Act and for dumping radioactive waste in Yucca Mountain, but he's against it now. Edwards was against universal health care before he was for it.) This is something the Tim Russert team failed at miserably.

Hillary criticized her rivals, especially Edwards. That was something new.

Richardson had a great line: Congress has an approval rating of 11%. You know who's higher? Dick Cheney and HMOs.

I thought Hillary was brilliant. She was especially brilliant on Pakistan. And inspirational on the gender card question or the significance of a Madam President. I wish Joe Biden, Chris Dodd and Dennis Kucinich could have talked more. Especially Kucinich.

All of them would appoint pro choice Supreme Court Justices, of course.

Edwards was the only real loser, but Obama looked foolish at times, in my view.

Las Vegas Debate Highlights (TPM)

Obama has been hammering Hillary for failing to give a yes or no answer on the question of drivers' licenses for undocumented workers. Lo and behold, Obama has the same problem.

Obama on Undocumented Workers

Hillary on Playing the Gender Card

Clinton Comes Back on the Offensive updated

John Edwards Booed at Democratic Debate (Video)
Dennis Kucinich at the Democratic Debate in Las Vegas (Video)
Clinton’s in Thick of Barbed Democratic Debate
Hillary bounces back