Thursday, November 01, 2007

About Tim Russert's Phony 'Secretive Clintons & the National Archives' Story

Regarding Bill and Hillary Clinton's alleged refusal to release documents held by the National Archives, Tim Russert did not provide all the details by a long shot.

MR. RUSSERT: But there was a letter written by President Clinton specifically asking that any communication between you and the president not be made available to the public until 2012. Would you lift that ban?

The letter that Tim Russert held in his hands during last night's debate was written by Bill Clinton all right. But it was written in 1994. The way Russert waved the letter in the air, I thought Bill Clinton had written it just to protect Hillary's presidential bid.

According to Taylor Marsh, right after Bill Clinton left the presidency, he asked that his documents be released immediately. It was George W. Bush who "decided that presidential papers would be kept secret indefinitely, something Bill Clinton openly fought against, including opposing Bush on the 12 year secrecy procedure, but especially on the new indefinite stand."

Thanks to Tabloid Tim, I've spent the morning listening to cable news talking heads express outrage about the nerve of secretive Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hello? Has it really been that long since the Clinton era?

There's more, but it will probably make you sick.

Russert Leads The Boys in All Out Clinton Assault
Jane Hamsher: Thanks But I Think I'll Skip the Pile-On
Russert, Edwards and Obama and Blowback