Friday, November 16, 2007

John Edwards Booed at Democratic Debate (Video)

At the Las Vegas Democratic debate last night, the audience booed John Edwards for going after Hillary too intensely. I’m sorry, I really do hate to trash Democrats, but John Edwards has been behaving like a real ass. The media wants to see blood, and John Edwards is only too happy to deliver. Chris Matthews loves it, but a lot of Democratic voters do not. There are other ways to run a campaign.

You can only repeat the same negative talking points about the leading Democratic candidate so many hundreds of times before you begin to sound like the GOP attack machine. And Edwards forgets the important first rule of politics: Before you attack your opponent, check to make sure you are not guilty of the same offense.

No one on the debate stage is a bigger flip-flopper, or ass, than John Edwards.

He does not have the experience or wisdom required to govern this nation. Were John Edwards to get the nomination, the swift-boaters would eat him for breakfast. And God help us if he were to somehow win the presidency.

Democratic Voters Boo John Edwards at Las Vegas Debate

John Edwards on the Politics of Hope

Edwards, dismissively to Kucinich: "Cute, Dennis."
Dennis Kucinich at the Democratic Debate in Las Vegas (Video)
Clinton Comes Back on the Offensive updated
Hillary Wins by a Mile at Las Vegas Debate (Video)
Clinton’s in Thick of Barbed Democratic Debate
Hillary bounces back