Send a message to Congress -- tell them to STOP attacking the 3.4 million Americans who are MoveOn members. Tell them to get on with the business of ending the goddamn war.
Sign the statement at MoveOn -- I will fight back:
"The U.S. Senate just told you to sit down and be quiet. They passed a resolution condemning MoveOn.org and it has one purpose: to intimidate all of us who care about responsibly ending this war. They wanted to send a message that anyone who speaks unpleasant truths about this war will pay. To make everyone--especially politicians--think twice before they accuse the administration of lying."
"I will not be quiet, I will fight back, and I will keep speaking out until Congress forces an exit plan for this awful war."
Sign the petition at MoveOn.Org.
The Nation: Democrats Stab MoveOn in the Back -- "Memo to Democrats: you control the Congress. That means you can decide what bills come to the floor for votes--and what don't. So why, in a week where Republicans blocked the restoration of habeas corpus, voting rights for DC and adequate rest time for our troops between deployments, did you allow Republicans the opportunity to score a cheap PR stunt by approving a resolution condemning a week-old newspaper ad by Moveon.org--on the same day Republicans once again voted to keep indefinitely continuing the Iraq war?!"
Senate Bush MoveOn.Org News 2008 Politics Petraeus Betray Us Democrats Republicans