Hillary Clinton will appear on all five of the Sunday morning talk shows today. This has to be some kind of record. Has Bush been on five of these shows in his lifetime? And is this Hillary's way of demonstrating that running for president is not nearly as hard as her competitors make it out to be?
The Hill reports: Clinton is jumping in with both feet on the Sunday talk show circuit, opting for what could be five grueling interviews on “Meet the Press,” “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” “Fox News Sunday,” “Face the Nation” and “Late Edition.”
At any rate, Hillary Clinton will surely set a new high for the number of female guests who have appeared on the Sunday morning male dominated talk shows. For the full line-up of guests, see Hillary Is 44.
Update - And we have a winner:
Hillary Blitzes Sunday Talk Shows
The Clinton Sunday Show Blitz
Hillary Clinton Bush News 2008 Gender Politics Media Talk Shows