Saturday, August 13, 2005

What Will You Be Doing on Injustice Sunday?

The Human Rights Campaign has a great editorial on tomorrow's Injustice Sunday. It's also published in Nashville's weekly LGBT newspaper, the Church Street Freedom Press.

Here's a snippet:

How Christian is it to say poor people deserve their state, gay people should be fired from their jobs, wars should be prosecuted based on might over right and women should have no say over what happens to their own bodies? It is not very Christian at all.

It gets worse. The organizers of Sunday’s event want to do more than limit the free expression of religion enjoyed by progressive people of faith. They even want to limit the debate over the proper role of government as Judge John Roberts is considered for the Supreme Court. They call progressives “Catholic-bashers” because Roberts is Catholic and we have the gall to ask him questions.

Here’s the question I would like to ask: “Judge Roberts, if confirmed, will you give greater weight in your decision-making to your own personal beliefs or to the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution?” The Justice Sunday II crowd hopes for the former. As a Christian and as an American, I pray for the latter.

So what will you be doing Sunday night while the far right wingers are calling for a theocracy?

What will you be doing? If you are in the area, I hope you will join us in a demonstration against this outrageous theocratic event. For details, see: TN Feminists to Protest Justice Sunday II.