Saturday, February 24, 2007

NARAL Rises Up Against Campfield

Stacey X's death certificates for abortions bill has been the subject of a veritable onslaught of outraged emails.

Some of them are from NARAL:

"Women who live in Tennessee already face an uphill battle when it comes to their reproductive rights. . . It's not enough that women who seek to access reproductive health face significant hurdles; Rep. Campfield believes that their privacy shouldn't matter at all."

"[A]s Rep. Campfield surely knows, death certificates include personal and identifying information- including full name and mailing address - that would become public record."

"Women in Tennessee deserve their constitutionally protected right to privacy when they make their personal reproductive decisions. Please help us defeat this dangerous bill by telling your legislators to oppose HB 982."

NARAL has a page devoted to the lunatic Stacey X where you can quickly contact your legislators and tell them to oppose HB 982.

While you're there, you can learn why NARAL gives Tennessee a grade of D+ on women's reproductive rights.

The Nashville Women's Political Caucus is also rising up against the lunatic's bill.

More bills of misogyny and classism from Stacey X:
Stacey X in the House: No lottery for the needy
Campfield Is Being Watched
Fathers' Rights Bills
Stacey X in the House: Wife beater protection act?

Recent TGW posts:
Rep. Stacey Campfield (R) is a Joke
How Many Cops Does it Take to Handcuff Rep.Campfield?
TN Lawmaker Wants State to Call a Fetus a Person