As we wait for the dawdling pResident to announce a new way forward in war, misery, death, and destruction, leaks keep us informed that the Decider will escalate the war by sending an additional 20,000 - 30,000 - 40,000 troops, and the Decider will tell us all about it a speech next week (probably Tuesday).
The theme of the pResident's speech is said to be "sacrifice."
Keith Olbermann was in fine form last night.
Whose sacrifice?
Olbermann: If in your presence an individual tried to sacrifice an American serviceman or woman, would you intervene? Would you at least protest? What if he had already sacrificed 3,003 of them? What if he had already sacrificed 3,003 of them — and was then to announce his intention to sacrifice hundreds, maybe thousands, more?
A far better idea is to sacrifice the pResident.
BooMan says it best:
"The country has finally turned on George W. Bush. The country is in a very bad and testy mood. . . The overriding mood of the nation is that we should take away the car keys. And that is the genius of democracy. We may be easily scared and led astray, but as long as we protect our institutions we will always eventually correct our mistakes. The country senses that we cannot wait until 2009 to take away the keys. Congress knows it. Our allies know it. The country stands ready to overthrow this administration and redeem our system of government. I have called the logic of impeachment 'inexorable', and it is."
"The President's decision to escalate the Iraq War and call for sacrifice is going to start an avalanche. And no one can stop an avalanche." (via Cursor)
Bush Politics News Impeach Bush & Cheney Republicans Rightwing President Iraq Democratic Congress