Friday, November 30, 2007

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Endorses Hillary

Now THIS is an endorsement. Robert F. Kennedy, environmental activist and darling of the left, endorsed Senator Hillary Clinton and campaigned for her in Iowa yesterday.

The Hillary haters on the left are not going to like this endorsement. And expect Chris Matthews to whine loudly.

Robert F. Kennedy said:

"Hillary Clinton has the strength and experience to bring the war in Iraq to an end and reverse the potentially devastating effects of global warming."

"I watched proudly as Hillary won over New Yorkers across the state in her race for the Senate seat my father once held. Since then, she's been re-elected in a landslide victory and proven that she is ready to lead this nation from her first day in office. Hillary will inspire the real change America needs."

Senator Clinton responded:

"Bobby has worked tirelessly to protect our environment and raise awareness about the dangers of global warming and pollution. I'm deeply honored to have his support and counsel."

RFK argued in Rolling Stone last year that the 2004 election was stolen.

But we are still waiting for the really big ones: Ted Kennedy, John Kerry and Al Gore.

via MyDD