Someone Is Posing As Your President -- Poser publishes WSJ Op-ed Under Name of G.W. Bush!
Someone has gone and published an Op-ed in the Wall Street Journal under the name of George W. Bush! The nerve!
Like anyone believes George W. Bush wrote the thing.
Seriously, if you were the President of the United States of America, would you publish your message to America in a rightwing newspaper?
Or would you place your message to America in a newspaper read by all kinds of Americans?
What really happened:
The Decider told his staff: The Democratic Congress should just shut up and be my bitch!
The poser on the payroll wrote it down as: What the Congress Can Do for America -- shut up and be my bipartisan bitch!
The presidential poser explains how bills are passed and who is to blame if bills do not pass (hint: don't blame the decider!).
The majority party in Congress gets to pass the bills it wants. The minority party, especially where the margins are close, has a strong say in the form bills take.
If the Congress chooses to pass bills that are simply political statements, they will have chosen stalemate. If a different approach is taken, the next two years can be fruitful ones for our nation.
Shorter version: I’m the decider, and don't you forget it, dammit!
The very big problem with the poser's message:
Polls have firmly established that most Americans are not looking to Bush for leadership. Most Americans are looking to Congress for leadership because virtually no one believes this pResident has a clue about anything more complicated than clearing brush, riding bicycles, and sending messages to his fanatical rightwing base.
Nice try Bushie. Next time get down on your knees and say please, please, please lemme be the only decider in the free world!
The poser's best line:
"I believe that when America is willing to use her influence abroad, the American people are safer and the world is more secure."
Can I please have some of what he is smoking?
‘Believe’ is obviously the key word here because the presidential poser certainly does not want to talk about empirical evidence. Clearly, all evidence demonstrates that the world is a nervous volatile wreck because of America’s influence under the reign of the swaggering and delusional George "Bombing for Democracy" Bush.
Be sure to stay tuned to your rightwing media for future messages from your poser.
Bush Politics News Wall Street Journal Republicans Rightwing President 2007 Democratic Congress Rightwing Media