Thursday, August 31, 2006

Harold Ford - The Competent Right-Winger

Here's one of Ford's recent tv ads, via MyDD where Matt Stoller weighs in on the prospects of our famously illiberal Harold Ford, Democratic contender for the Frist senate seat. Stoller observes that the conservative Democrat is running "as a more competent right-winger."

He's running as a more competent right-winger, someone who wants to move beyond partisan politics to lower gas prices and increase the effectiveness and reach of the security state. Ford isn't and never claimed to be a progressive, and he's running in Tennessee, where there is a strong right-wing presence.

Based on our accountability memo, and other polling coming in that shows that voters are choosing between Iraq and terrorism, Ford is making the absolutely wrong strategic decision. When given a choice between a Republican and a fake Republican, they'll pick the real one every time. But then, Ford's not a progressive. I know Ford's supposedly gaining on his scandal-tarred opponent in the polls. We'll see what happens. My guess is that Ford's messaging will not work, but it's possible that Corker could simply self-destruct and Ford could look like an acceptable alternative.