Ed Bryant's outrageous campaign promise inspired this graphic from the folks at The Memphis Flyer. Our wannabe U.S. Senator, Superhero Ed Bryant has promised that if he goes to Washington as Tennessee's Senator, he will win the War on Terror.
Really. He said that.
Bryant is one of three goofy Republicans battling for the honor of running against Congressman Harold Ford (D) for the Frist seat. The others are Van Hilleary and Bob Corker.
Here's what the Memphis Flyer has to say:
In the climactic words of a TV spot that began running last week: “Ed Bryant will secure our borders. And win the War on Terror” ...
Now, that’s what we’re talking about! Where President George W. Bush, the Pentagon, and America’s armed forces have so far fallen short, Bryant intends — while serving as a first-term senator, no less — to Do the Business! Who says the Age of Heroes is behind us?
Tsk tsk. They forgot to mention the really goofy campaign promise.
Van Hilleary has pledged that he will win the War on Hillary Clinton.
Can you imagine the jokes at the expense of Tennessee if any one of these three yahoos actually joins the U.S. Senate?
I know I wrote about this goofy promise before, but I couldn't resist the graphic!
Three Stooges Politics Van Hilleary Ed Bryant Bob Corker 2006 Tennessee Harold Ford U.S. Senate Frist Republicans