The always popular Bill Clinton will campaign for Harold Ford right here in Nashville, reports Sandy over at Hamdems. Wow!
The Three Stooges - as Harold Ford likes to call his 3 wannabe GOP opponents for Frist's senate seat - are going to throw some truly comical fits over this.
Sandy of the Hamilton County Democrats writes:
Be still my beating heart. It is true the "Big Dog" is coming to Nashville to help Ford in the win for the Senate. This is a heated race and Harold Ford needs to raise some funds for it, so let's help him out, plan on attending and see our wonderful, handsome President William Jefferson Clinton. The venue and time are still being worked out right now, but it looks like it will be August 4th. (This may change)
It was only last week that Congressman Harold Ford visited Sandy's home. You might want to watch her blog for further details.
Also, the Davidson County Democrats now confirm that Congressman John Murtha will indeed be the keynote speaker at the upcoming 2nd Annual Gore Family Dinner.
Update: At the Aspen Ideas Fest, James Fallows introduced Bill Clinton as "the most popular man on earth." Rove was there too. The audience greeted Clinton with cheers. They greeted Rove with hisses. They hissed!
Bill Clinton Harold Ford Three Stooges Politics Bob Corker Van Hilleary Ed Bryant 2006 Nashville Tennessee U.S. Senate Frist News