Millions of immigrants will be marching all over this country today. The demonstrations, reportedly, will include various ethnic groups.
Maybe some white folks will join in. I can think of a few things we could be marching for.
Plans to nuke Iran
Rumours that Bush thinks he's the messiah, and the rest of the world thinks he's just deranged continue to fly.
Think Progress has the video of Seymour Hersh on CNN saying that some senior military officials are freaked and prepared to walk in response to the messiah's plans to wage war on Iran.
This morning on CNN, New Yorker journalist Seymour Hersh addressed the uproar at the highest levels of the U.S. military over plans to launch a massive strike against Iran that would include nuclear weapons:
What I’m writing here is that if this [plan to use nukes] isn’t removed — and I say this very seriously, I’ve been around this town for 40 years — some senior officers are prepared to resign. They’re that upset about the fact that this plan is kept in. … [O]ne thing about our military, they’re very loyal to the president, but they’re getting to the edge. They’re getting to the edge with not only Rumsfeld, but with Cheney and the President.
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says the idea that the U.S. would nuke Iran is "completely nuts". Paul Krugman effectively says, so's George Bush.
Meanwhile, in Iran, Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hamidreza Assefi, says the Americans are waging " a psychological war" on Iran, "because they feel angry and desperate regarding Iran's nuclear case."
"The Americans want to create a crisis over our nuclear program and do not wish for the case to be over," he was quoted as saying. "They are not happy about any kind of agreement between us and Russia or any other country, so they rely on creating psychological war."
See Hersh's New Yorker Piece: THE IRAN PLANS
Immigration Bush Iran Seymour Hersh Iraq War 2006 Republican Corruption Impeach Bush Miserable Failure King George