The bills which threaten LGBT families in Tennessee will be heard on Tuesday, April 11th, 12:00 Noon, in Room 29 of Legislative Plaza, Nashville. If you can possibly make it, please attend the hearing. It is much harder for lawmakers to get away with blatant discrimination when there are lots of witnesses!
APRIL 4, 2006
Contact: Cathy Renna
(917) 757-6123
WASHINGTON, DC.... Last year, Tennessee lawmakers filed eight bills, all designed to prohibit "homosexuals" from adopting or serving as foster parents. The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community prevailed in holding back these discriminatory adoption measures. This year, the bills' proponents are attempting to pass these same measures again. Local and national lesbian and gay groups will be joined by allied groups and hold a teleconference briefing on April 6 with experts and local families about the potential impact of these measures (to join the teleconference see information below).
A special hearing between two sub-committees is being held about bills that could be amended to become anti-family legislation. Family Pride and the Tennessee Equality Project are urging supporters to attend the April 11 hearing to demonstrate our opposition to any anti-family amendments. The special hearing will take place at the State House in Nashville on Tues., April 11. The time of the hearing is not available yet.
There are at least 3 bills in question:
HB2945 expands the definition of biological parents. This bill was filed by Rep. Kelsey and will be heard by the House Domestic Relations Subcommittee.
HB2944 clarifies parental rights including guardianship for adoption. This bill was filed by Rep. Kelsey and will also be heard by the House Domestic Relations Subcommittee.
HB2943 changes a definition regarding termination of rights in child custody matters. This bill was filed by Rep. Kelsey and will be heard in the House Family Justice Subcommittee.
Related TGW Post: Report from the Bigot Study Committee: Rep. Debra Maggart
Gay Bigot Study Commitee Debra Maggart Gay Adoption Homophobia Bigotry Bush LGBT Adoption Tennessee