Friday, November 04, 2005

Nation Questions Bush's Integrity

Like he ever had any integrity.

I thought Bush's popularity hit an all time low last week, and the week before that, but no, it just keeps on dropping. It just goes to show, it can always get worse for you too Bushy.

But you know he really can't be enjoying this. I know I'm not.

He could always resign.

On nearly every key measure of presidential character and performance, the survey found that Bush has never been less popular with the American people. Currently, 39 percent approve of the job he is doing as president while 60 percent now disapprove of his performance in office -- the highest level of disapproval ever recorded for Bush in Post-ABC polls.

The CIA leak case has apparently contributed to a withering decline in how Americans view Bush. The survey found that 40 percent now view him as honest and trustworthy -- a 13 percentage point drop in the past 18 months. Nearly 6 in 10 -- 58 percent -- said they had doubts about Bush's honesty, the first time in his presidency that more than half the country has questioned his personal integrity.

Nearly 7 in 10 -- 68 percent -- currently believe the country is seriously off course while only 30 percent are optimistic, the lowest level in more than nine years.

Attitudes toward Bush are sharply polarized by party, as they have been throughout his presidency. Almost 8 in 10 -- 78 percent -- of Republicans support the president, while just 11 percent of Democrats rate him positively.

Among independents, Bush's approval has plummeted since the beginning of the year. In the latest poll, 33 percent of independents approved of his performance, while 66 percent disapproved. In January, independents were evenly divided, with 49 percent approving and an equal percentage disapproving.

The worst pResident ever is very unpopular. Imagine that.

Something tells me that his pandemic visit to South America is not going to make anyone like the cowboy any better.