Tuesday, May 06, 2008

From Gas Tax Hysterics to RamenGate

Paul Krugman sums up the ongoing gas tax hysterics as little more than "the fact that many people in the media really, really want Obama to win and Clinton to lose . . and have seized on the gas tax as their latest proof that she is ee-ee-vil."

For some of us, it is obvious that Hillary Clinton's better-than-McCain's gas tax holiday is just one more example of her ability to keep her eyes on the prize of defeating McCain.

For others, it's class war. In a post titled, Ramengate Comes To A Boil, Sadly, No!'s Aristophanes mocks Lambert's defense of Hillary's progressive move toward a gas tax holiday as "desperation."

But since Barack Obama is actually talking about "cheap dates," we have to wonder if Mr. Hope even knows what Ramen is.

Meanwhile, over at Salon, George Frost points to a study finding that the Illinois gas tax holiday -- which Obama proudly voted for (3 times!) -- was indeed a success.

Obama Attacks Hillary's Plan Because He Doesn't Have One