Saturday, November 10, 2007

Gail Collins: Rudy and Bernie: B.F.F.’s

Gail Collins observes that Rudy Giuliani looks a lot like the Commander Guy. Neither one of them understands that loyality is a quality to prize in pets, not in attorney generals or police commissioners like Bernard Kerik and such:

The past seven years have given us some helpful hints on what we want to avoid in the next president. I’m starting to make a list.

Quality to avoid No. 1: Loyalty.

Whenever you read that a candidate “values loyalty above all else” — run for the hills. Loyalty is a terribly important consideration if you’re choosing a pet, but not a cabinet member.

How about if this time we try for a president who would recruit gifted people who can accomplish great things, as opposed to a room full of dopes who will never write tell-all memoirs?

Read more . . .