Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Liberal Blogger Attacks Liberal Blogger – Racist Rightwing Blogger Wins

Update: Brittney Gilbert has resigned from Nashville is Talking. This really sucks.

So, Brittney at Nashville is Talking posted an excerpt from a vile racist post which denigrated the recently deceased liberal hero Steve Gilliard. She titled the post: Teaching Libs a Lesson (TLL#2).

The excerpt was taken from one of the rightwing blogs on my Avoid at All Costs List. I visit rightwing blogs all the time, but I don’t visit toxic dumps, and I don’t visit or link to rightwing blogs like Six M**t Buffet.

When I saw Brittney’s post, my reaction was, ‘oh puke, but thanks Brittney for pointing out that the toxic blog is even worse than I thought.’ I would never have posted it on my blog, but I don’t get paid to wade through garbage. Brittney gets paid to wade through it and post it. Serving as an easy everyday target for hateful rightwinger bloggers is also part of her job description. If I had her job, maybe I would have posted it. If I had her job, I'd be taking Paxil.

I thought the title of her post -- Teaching Libs a Lesson -- was appropriate. Toxic rightwingers will spew racism and jump on anyone’s grave solely for the joy of hurting liberals. But if I didn’t know Brittney to be a good-hearted liberal, I might have taken her title literally and thus misinterpreted her intention. Especially so, if I was grieving over, not just the loss of a liberal hero but, the loss of a friend.

The General was a friend of Steve’s, and was, understandably, greatly offended by the vile post. And so he aimed his righteous wrath at Brittney. As I understand the General’s rationale, why go after the low-life Six M**t blogger, when you can target a paid blogger by encouraging your readers to write to the ABC affiliate that employs her? It makes perfect sense to me. I’ve used the same strategy.

I had some righteous rage of my own after my daughter was pummeled in the face by her nightmare boyfriend, and it was the General who told everyone that my rage at men was understandable in light of my pain.

In case you can’t tell, I am a huge fan of the General’s. Going after bigots and misogynists is what he does best, and I love him for it. I am also a big fan of Brittney’s, and I am immensely grateful to have an actual liberal blogger at the local ABC affiliate. In light of the redness of this state, a liberal blogger in this position is a real progressive prize. We take it for granted at our peril.

In my view, this bloody blog war – and people on both sides are hurling hateful insults -- is all an unfortunate misunderstanding. Goddess knows I misunderstand and am misunderstood plenty. If only we could have an occasional moment of quiet sanity in these crazy times we are living in, the General and Brittney might recognize each other as good people who should be allies and even friends.

Damn it all, this makes me feel so sad. Meanwhile, our racist rightwing hate blogger is most assuredly dancing for joy.

People can make donations to help with Steve’s funeral costs here. The liberal hero has an obituary in the New York Times: Steven Gilliard Jr., 42, Dies; Founder of Liberal Political Blog.

Also see: An Open Letter to Patriot Boy (aka Jesus’ General)