Wednesday, June 06, 2007

GOP Loser Debate Awards

Yes, it's true. The Party that brought us the Commander Guy continues to believe it can install yet another loser guy into the highest office of the land. For some reason ($$$), America continues to humor them. Without further ado, here are our awards, as well as some of the highlights from last night's Loser Party Debate:

He's Certifiable But He's Got Ovaries Award -- Rep. Tom Tancredo -- for having the ovaries to say that if he were president, he'd order pResident Bush NOT to "darken the doorstep of the White House." Cause that's what Karl Rove told Tancredo -- as punishment for Tancredo's criticism of the Commander Guy. We hope this man travels with a top notch squad of bodyguards.

He's A Slimey Hypocrite Award - Mitt Romeny -- Kudos to John McCain for pointing out Romney's hypocrisy with the words: 'muchos gracias Governor.' While Romney jumps on the ENGLISH ONLY Bandwagon, he simultaneously pleads for Hispanic votes on his BILINGUAL WEBSITE!

He Almost Appeared Sane for a Moment Award - John McCain -- McCain actually defended Native-Americans and Latino-Americans. The man actually said that Native Americans have a right to speak a language other than English. On several occasions, McCain sounded downright sane, guess that's why he's losing the Republican base.

Why Was He There? Award -- Tommy Thompson -- Thompson's most memorable moment was when he made the point that he is NOT Fred Thompson.

The ten white conservative men looked to me like a surreal line-up of Superpower Warrior Action Figures, ready to battle feakin' everybody.

They want to KILL all the real and imagined terrorists in the known universe.

They want to STAMP OUT out gays in the military and probably everywhere else. The Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy is fine with ALL OF THE Superpower Warriors cause We're at War! No equality allowed while We're at War! John McCain and Rudy Giuliani both made the point that we don't need no Arabic-speaking-linguists if they're gay! Cause We're at War!

What scares the Superpower Warriors most, other than Hillary, is SOCIALIZED MEDICINE, whatever that is. As I've said before, I lived with universal healthcare for 13 years, and I never saw SOCIALIZED MEDICINE anywhere, though I might like it just fine if I could find it.

The Superpower Warriors want to STAMP OUT all languages that aren't English. I think it was Tom Tancredo, sounding like Orwell's Napolean, who ranted that the immigrants want to STEAL ENGLISH from "US." The dreadful speakers of other languages are trying to transform the country into a BILINGUAL NATION, HORRORS. If that ever happens, the country will surely fall to pieces! So vote for Napolean! (Maybe it wasn't Tancredo, they all look the same, don't they?)

When the Superpower Warriors morphed into Church Ladies, I had to leave the room. Goddess, the men were seriously discussing the important topic of: Was the Universe Created In Seven Days? Al Gore and I had to roll our eyes, a lot! It sounded just like a church service, the men were talking and the women were sitting in the audience pretending to listen. I did notice that the he-powers-that-be let a few of the women in the audience speak. Women were permitted to ask questions about the sons and brothers they've lost in Bush's Endless War. But wasn't it awfully nice of them to let the women speak?

The MSM is all a flutter over the "startling criticism" of Bush which they say dominated the debate. I guess I blinked. If the MSM thinks they heard "startling criticism," they need to get out more.

Oh, and we hear that the lackadaisical Tennessee Stud will be on Bill Bennett's radio show at 8:00 EST today. We hear that TS thinks sharing the stage in a debate is hard work.