Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Gays (mp3)

Damn! The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy is at it again!

You have to hear The Gays -- sung to the tune of Fastball’s The Way.

The Gays:

You can see that some boys love boys and some girls love girls

It’s time to shake up this mixed up, muddled world

Love is the answer

And hate is the cancer today

Todaaayyyy . . .

Anyone can see that hetero’s only just one kind of love

Even Dick Cheney

But not Karl Rove

It’s time for gay marriage

Progress is the American waaayyy . . .

You can see that some boys love boys and some girls love girls

It’s time to shake up this mixed up, muddled world

Love is the answer

And hate is the cancer today

Todaaaayyy . . .