In a rare press conference, George W. Bushie snarled about making progress in Iraq, and insisted that the war would not be such a bad thing if the media would just stop focusing on the bad war news.
Later that day, former Florida teacher Beverly Lefave said she's sorry for having sex with her 14 year-old student, but her victim wouldn't be in such bad shape if the media would just stop focusing on her crime.
"The media has totally taken it out of proportion and he's suffering even more so by the media's actions," Lafave said.
Lafave said the media should pay more attention to her mental illness. Bushie said the media should pay more attention to the good war news.
Rumour has it that reporter Jill Carroll has a strong desire to report the good war news, but unfortunately she is still being held in captivity. Approximately 70 reporters have died in Iraq.
Lafave said she has bipolar disorder. The pResident, with poll numbers in the mid 30s, said he's got political capital to spend.
When veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas tried to get Bushie to cough up a credible reason for his decision to wage war on Iraq, George W. Bushie said, Helen, I didn't want to do it!
Bushie said no president wants to wage war.
The pResident said, "History has proven that democracies don’t war."
Update: Well, duh!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- "President Bush says he's spending his remaining 'political capital' on the war in Iraq. The trouble is, he may have little left.
'What political capital does he have? He doesn't have any on Iraq,' said Stephen Wayne, a professor of government at Georgetown University. 'It was a bogus claim. He was emboldened by his election victory, which he viewed as a referendum on his presidency and on his party.'"
Bush Iraq War Press Conference Helen Thomas Beverly Lefave Jill Carroll Media Worst President Ever