Friday, April 29, 2005

More on the Bush-Ratzinger connection

The Moscow Times "arts and ideas" section called "context" has an excellent article today in Chris Floyd's Global Eye column. The well-documented piece entitled "Buried Treasure" connects the dots between the youngest Bush and Joseph Ratzinger now doing business as Pope Benedict XVI of Vatican, Inc.

His sources include everything from The Texas Observer to Newsday to the Financial Times along with Harper's, network news sources, bicoastal print media, and Americablog.

The article traces "Neilsy," the youngest of the Bush syndicate, along the highways and byways of his world travels beginning with the savings and loan scandal that cost us a pretty penny (around $1 billion from us, the American taxpayers. Neilsy paid a paltry $50,000 in fines.) From there we are treated to the tales of his escapades with the likes of the bin Laden family, Jiang Mianheng of Chinese Zemin

The juicy stuff is in details of the Bush-Ratzinger connection. I won't repeat them all here, just suffice it to say that it has little to do with religious ecumenism and everything to do with possible tax shelters.

There's more if you're interested in Neilsy's longtime business relationship with Syrian-born businessman Jamal Daniel.

This is my fave from the entire article:

You see, the Bushes are robber barons, not capitalists. They never risk any of their own money in the competition of the marketplace. Nor do they ever pay the price when their deals go belly-up.