Monday, November 08, 2010

About The Sexist 2010 Elections (Video)

Jessica Wakeman presents some of the sexist moments of the last campaign in a slideshow format: Your Handy-Dandy Guide To Sexism In The 2010 Elections.

She includes the ad below wherein one a-hole suggests that the woman who wants his job is a whore.

The good news for women is from Sarah Seltzer who cites research finding that when women fight back and name the sexism (the media calls this 'playing the gender card') and the low-life neanderthals for what they are, women win votes.

But that didn't work for the woman portrayed as a whore in the sexist ad below. North Carolina State Senator Margaret Dickson lost to low-life sexist pig Wesley Meredith. Let me say that again, soon-to-be North Carolina State Senator Wesley Meredith is a low-life sexist pig!

To portray Senator Dickson ... as a prostitute goes beyond gutter politics. It is wrong,”

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