Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Bonnie Newman (R-NH) Makes 18 Women in the Senate, But Who's Counting?

Yay. Progress. Sad to say, 18 women out of 100 senators is a record in this male-dominated 'democracy.'

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch officially announced this afternoon that Republican J. Bonnie Newman will replace Judd Gregg in the US Senate if Gregg is confirmed as commerce secretary.

The agreement by Lynch, a Democrat, to appoint a Republican to serve out Gregg's term, which ends in 2010, freed Gregg to accept President Obama's offer to take the helm at Commerce since Gregg insisted he would not leave the Senate if that would change the balance of power. . .

Newman, 63, who has not previously held elected office, was an assistant commerce secretary under President Reagan and also worked in President George H.W. Bush's White House. She also worked for Gregg when he was a US representative and supported Lynch for governor.