Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Secretary Barbara Mikulski?

The eminently qualified Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) may be the one to fill the suddenly vacant position of Secretary of Health and Human Services.

That's according to unconfirmed rumors -- or timely leaks from the White House. With a hypermasculine cabinet of 17 men and 5 women, one can only hope that Obama is beginning to wake up to the need for a fair number of women.

Maryland Politics:

Unconfirmed rumors began seeping out of Capitol Hill late today that Maryland Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski is under consideration for the suddenly vacant position of Secretary of Health and Human Services. . .
Mikulski regularly ranks as the most popular elected official in the state and no serious Republican candidate is likely to take her on. Her image as a feisty spokeswoman for working-class voters could be an asset at HHS, particularly as the Obama administration attempts to sell its health care overhaul plan to the nation. She is also well-versed in the details of Medicare and of Social Security, an independent agency that works closely with HHS.