Monday, December 22, 2008

Men Dominate Obama's Cabinet

There are 5 women and 16 men in Obama's cabinet! (And it's only 5 women if you count Susan Rice, whose UN Ambassadorship was elevated to cabinet status by Obama.)

Five women and 16 men? This is Obama's New Politics? This is pathetic. Barack Obama's cabinet does not look like America.

It sure as hell doesn't look like Spain. The Prime Minister of Spain has a cabinet comprised of 9 women (see photo) and 8 men. And Spain is infamous for being a macho country. What does that make America?

How many decades will it take before America catches up to 'macho' Spain?

Bonnie Erbe:

Since women are 52 percent of the U.S. population and Obama's transition team promised a cabinet that "looked like America," one would have to say that, in terms of gender, Obama has failed. The stark reality is shown in living color on this New Agenda page link, which sports photos of the Obama cabinet members and makes an important visual point. . .

And then there's this: "Women's groups who have been hoping for an historic breakthrough in the numbers of women and feminists in the cabinet are looking at a Cabinet now that has lower numbers of women than the Clinton Administration," said Feminist Majority Foundation President Eleanor Smeal.

This is the same Eleanor Smeal who claimed, during the general election, that Obama "looks like a feminist!"

Photo: Prime Minister Zapatero of Spain and the 9 women of his female majority cabinet.

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