Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Environmental Catastrophe Strikes Tennessee

The long-awaited money for our falling-apart infrastructure comes too late for some of us: "This is a huge environmental disaster of epic proportions, approximately 500 million gallons of nasty black coal ash flowed into tributaries of the Tennessee River - the water supply for Chattanooga TN and millions of people living downstream in Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky. We’re “lucky” it was sludgy, or thousands would have died."

Tennessean: Flood of sludge breaks TVA dike

Pharyngula: We're looking at a major environmental catastrophe, bigger than any oil spill, and most of the news media are silent about it. I checked CNN, MS-NBC, even Fox News…not a word. The local newspapers have a few articles, and the regional blogs are trying to follow it, but otherwise, I guess we're going to pretend it didn't happen.

Ash Christmas / Huffington Post: Massive Coal Ash Spill in Tennessee puts the lie to Clean Coal / Coal ash tsunami in Tennessee / Youtube video from the Knoxville News Sentinel / Toxic Ash Pond Collapses in Tennessee